Monday, August 16, 2010

Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:38 AM

Ok, so I finally have the photos I kept promising for you guys. There is a picture of our District before the last Transfers. There are photos of the cool Mamon Chinos and us having fun with them. I guess these fruits are pretty rare here too, because you can only find them in July or the beginning of Agosto and then they are gone. They are RICO! hehe More pics of our Service Project with the machetes, the one year mark of Hermana Dalton, The baby dinosaur we played with in the house hehe, and ME, Hermana Ochs. I hope you enjoy!

So wow, this week was a bit crazy. With all the rain the river in David rose super high and broke a water tank thingy that gives us water. So, for two days we did not have any water and we were not sure if we would have any soon. Our neighbors and the Elders went on a water hunt to bring water to our house and there own. We were being very careful with our bano usage and shower taking. We kept joking with the members that we were going to have to bathe like gatos. Haha. But we managed and now we have water and clean clothes and body!. Felizes!!!!

We dedicated one day this week to contacting buses because we were low on contacts. So one person was in charge of talking, one passing out the Book of Mormon cards, and the last to pay for the bus ride. It was a bit nerve racking but Fun!

The ward just got back from a Temple trip and they were all on a spiritual high. It was great to hear their testimonies and see their beaming faces! I can´t wait to be able to visit the Temple here in Panama!!!! I love the Temple and am trying everyday to better myself and to always feel like I do when I am in the Temple!!!!

Hoy for pday we are going to have a scavenger hunt! I am excited!!!!!!

Lots and Lots of Love!!

Hermana Ochs

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